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Exclusive customization of dolls

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Exclusive customization of dolls

Although dolls are made to be loved, we also know that many people appreciate the art of making each doll. Many people simply appreciate our work and want our work. I mean, we claim to be the best in the world and we’re ready to hold on to that. Delivering works of art is our goal. Oksexdoll takes the term « dream lover » to a whole new level. All fantasy dolls created are custom made, including different eyeballs and elf ears or sex doll torso.


If there are eclectic customers, there will be eclectic demands. The Oksexdoll Store offers the possibility to ship at any time and to make « the most realistic sex doll in the world ». But it’s really famous for its fully customizable dolls. Every doll we make is unique because we give people choice.


For customers looking to make their own sex dolls, the combinations on the site are endless right from the start: there are 33 different faces to choose from for most brands, plus 18 body shapes(big tits sex doll, flat boobs sex doll etc), 5 skin tones and 8 eye colors. Before you even get to the hair and make-up -come up. For these folks, you have a dazzling array of so-called « standard » options, ranging from red lipstick to a variety of nude colors, French manicure to black nail polish, and more. However, the truly inspired people left the company’s palette completely. This is where fantasy really becomes reality.


Some may take the opportunity to share inspiration from a particular decade (the 80s are obviously popular) or pay particular attention to their doll’s hair and makeup (bright pink lips or freckles), others may let their imagination run wild. Everyone who creates special effects for Silicone sex doll has unlimited inner thoughts. “I’m a fantasy nerd myself. I’m not a window in a closet – I don’t hide it in my heart. I am an absolute Star Trek fan. That actually got me into the special effects, so whimsical ideas create something that doesn’t exist in your brain…or maybe, who knows? » Ideas from a makeup artist.



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