Looking at the news on mobile phones recently, it can be found that there is a kind of machine called test signal jammer that has appeared frequently in colleges and universities, and their shadows can be seen in every test room. What are they?
In fact, this is a shielding machine that can block the communication network signal. It is the best way to prepare for the exam and to prevent candidates from cheating with electronic products in the exam room. This is also to allow candidates to take the test in a fair and authoritative examination room that can maintain the normal order of the examination room, so that the candidates’ results are more authentic.
It’s just that the shielding effect of the test signal jammer is limited in scope, generally within a radius of 0 to 50 meters, and the area is about 250 square meters. Within this range, it can be guaranteed to be blocked. Communication network signal and WIFI signal, but when installing the test signal jammer in the test room, pay attention to avoid covering it with metal objects, because this will seriously affect its shielding effect, and because the shielding effect will pass through the wall. It is best to ensure that it is in an open area when using it, so as to ensure that the effect of the shielding device is maximized.
If you feel that the low power is not suitable, you can also choose a higher power. In fact, colleges and universities have very high requirements for such high-tech machines and equipment for test signal jammers.
As of the end of 2021, according to data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, all prefecture-level cities, more than 97% of county-level urban areas, and 40% of townships and streets in China have achieved 5G signal network coverage, and 5G terminal users are even more It has reached 450 million, accounting for more than 80% of the world. The mobile phone signal jammers purchased by schools in previous years, because 5G was not launched when they were purchased, so these signal jammers can no longer be used for GSM jammer in the current test room signal shielding process, which makes school test room users face how The problem of upgrading or replacing the original cell phone signal jammer.
How to choose an economical and practical mobile phone signal jammer with cell phone jammer?
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