Of course, realistic sex doll can bring comfort to single men and women, and create more happiness for their partners, but for the sex toys industry, how much do you know, in fact, I don’t understand it, so let’s take a look at a great god What the characters say!
Click to view the galleryI have always believed that the taste of life cannot be used with « sex », but the expression of the taste of life in « sex ». If you want to enter the sex industry, first learn to distinguish between sex and pornography. Although many people in the industry think they are doing sex, in fact they are doing pornography. As a wild sex toy tester who has been involved in the sex industry for five years, and the current marketing director of a sex social Internet company, as far as the sex industry is concerned, I want to answer this question very, very unobjectively.
If you want to watch videos related to sex dolls, you can click here .
You make it, foreigners are good at playing it, airplane cups are filled with wine, electric hip climbing ladders, sex toys can also cross-border art exhibitions (the scale of the pictures is too big, the mosaics are not available, so I will not put them), and will design some spoofs. Sex toys are for you to use in spoofs, such as the well-known Jiebao lipsticks, JJ straws, ice trays (see the picture below), and design hobby toys for the disabled (also the conscience of the industry).
So what do you think about these « city-playing » friends abroad?
1. From an industry perspective
The foreign sex industry is relatively mature, such as the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Japan, and South Korea.
Their Silicone Love Doll industry has been truly industrialized. From product design, production, packaging, promotion to brand building, and then to brand culture, there is enough open space and market support, and there are various derivations of sex culture and subculture to match. .
Many companies are focusing on product development and intensive cultivation in a certain field. DocJohnson is good at inverting molds, CEN is specializing in vibrating rod materials, FunFactory is committed to ergonomic product design, and genmu only studies airplane cups.
These companies have a high status in a certain field, and even many companies have established cultural companies to cultivate their own brand companies or cultivate exclusive actresses for product promotion.
Even derived from the brand concept, scientific research (experimental base, material research and development, mechanical power, simulation or human test), film and television (adult film, or model), media (advertising, brand design, exhibition, tour, peripherals), etc. Wait.
Looking back at the domestic TPE Sex doll industry, the earliest domestic sex toy manufacturer lovers have been for more than 20 years (I think the earliest outside China should be more than 40 years), but I heard from the predecessors that the development of these two decades is simply It is a history of blood and tears (it involves sensitive issues, not much to say).Domestic sex toys have basically no brand concept. Agency processing and agency sales are still the mainstream. With the value of surplus labor, they begin to imitate (plagiarize) and sell them through agents. Since Taobao, sex toy manufacturers seem to have found a new world, and the sex industry has begun to enter the e-commerce model. This is a new turning point for the sex industry, and it is also a bitter fate.
It is conservatively estimated that the current consumer market for sex toys has a space of nearly 100 billion. Although condoms account for a large proportion, the market for sex toys is not blank. Judging from the sales of Taobao mini sex doll for many years, buyers are between the ages of 15-26, and most of them are men. They are shocking, but there are traces to follow. People who are exposed to the Internet are getting younger and younger, and the patriarchal society is naturally Male dominates.
But why do I say that the era of e-commerce is the bitter fate of the domestic sex industry. A few years ago, Taobao’s popular sex toys were sold at a unit price of no more than 50! Changjia desperately struggled with prices, there is no room for premiums, and they have not tapped into the market. The real core consumption power, the manufacturers are hovering on the survival line, how many will consider using the brand to make premium? Dare to use good teen sex doll, dare not invite designers, dare not update the style, dare to cover a wide range of fields but all Not deep, this is the drawback of this industry.
More and more foreign goods are coming in. In the past few years, the famous lelo in the adult exhibition is Swedish, the wildone of the spear and shield classic PK is Japanese, KOKOS is South Korea, and the funfactory is German.
But they are too optimistic. Because of the high price of foreign products, they are not welcomed by ordinary consumers. When people are still buying 50-100 sex toys on Taobao, it is incomprehensibly expensive for a vibrating egg to be several thousand yuan. This is also the domestic market. One of the problems that sex toys cannot be high-end (quality and brand).Industry and brand are in a symbiosis and coexistence relationship, and since the beginning of the brand, there are many sacrifices. And the environment of the domestic sex industry is not civilized. This is because people always confuse « sex » with « pornography ». Since they are unclear, they are simply regulated. This is also one of the reasons why the domestic sex industry cannot develop.
In the early days, domestic production and sales of sex toys were imprisoned for « spreading obscene materials. » Until now, domestic male sex doll are still in a state of no policy support, no regulatory agencies, no industry standards, and no industry associations. Many products imported directly from abroad are declared for customs. It can only be said that the full name of « Medical Equipment » and « Adult Exhibition » is « China International Adult Health and Reproductive Health Exhibition ». Every time I say that I am in the sex industry, I always feel like an old military doctor!
Okay, I’ve seen a bunch of Lorry stuff and come back to the problem. The domestic market hasn’t had the energy and fun to study the things that « play in the city », and produce a toy that will « promote it to any market, Everyone needs to know how awesome I am, and a product that has become popular on the Internet. The sales volume is the world’s first.” This is the idea to promote, play? Consumers solve it by themselves, production is only for you!
Therefore, foreigners « can play » because they have something to play.
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