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My Real Thoughts On Buying Bezlya Sex Dolls

My Real Thoughts On Buying Bezlya Sex Dolls

Dolls created by interesting people are naturally interesting. These lifelike Bezlya sex dolls are like large jointed dolls and figurines, and almost all the joints of the body can move. In other words, she can pose in any way you want her to be, and she can do any posture that a human can do. Isn’t this a large toy? ! In addition, this toy has an advantage over figurines, that is, « soft ». The body of TPE material has high resilience, soft and delicate touch, and the fleshy feeling is like real skin. This is why I like Bezlya dolls very much. Compared with the hard and cold figurines, these sex dolls seem to have more « warmth ».

The reason for choosing them is actually mostly because of details. I even thought that the Bezlya team itself is a detail control. All silicone sex doll products are 1:1 real-life restoration, and the human skin texture is extremely restored, just like the feeling of a living person standing in front of you. The facial patterns of the head sculpture are also amazing. The distribution of veins and vascular protrusions on the body are perfectly reproduced. The details of the body are very accurate, and the intuitive experience is really excellent.

If the body is not so realistic, would you still choose their store? This is what my friend asked me. I said, just for the face that never gets boring, the body is a plus. I decided to buy Bezlya doll after looking at a circle of dolls. As a face dog, the standard for judging appearance is that it is durable and not ordinary. The appearance and character settings of Bezlya love dolls are very queen. Sometimes when I look down at them, I almost feel weak in my legs and call them sister. Ah, why do you say it is looking down? That’s because she is a 1:1 real-life mold, and her height is over 150cm. This damn temperament is really unreasonable for queen control.

I don’t know if everyone in the circle will be the same. A grown man started to visit women’s clothing stores, wig shops, and buy various accessories. Anyway, the courier in my community looked at me with a wrong expression. But this can’t stop me from treating Bezlya’s wife, who is both cool and cute, with respect and care. Dress up a fuck doll, turn her into a large figurine, and then replace it piece by piece. I think you all want to try this process. If you like it, go for it. I think you will not regret it, just like me.


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